Dads Matter at MGH Revere

TFP’s new Dads Matter Initiative at MGH Revere Healthcenter successfully launched on March 28th. Despite early spring snow flurries, a diverse group of eight dads braved the elements with their young children to attend the inaugural Saturday Dad & Kids (ages 0-5) Activity Group. Designed by TFP and members of the MGH Revere Dads Matter Team (Jane Lee, Family Advocate; Lindsay Dibona, LICSW; and Melissa Silverberg, Parent Educator), this group is the first in a series of new father-themed offerings at MGH Revere. The fathers gave positive feedback after the event, stating they appreciated the opportunity to play, socialize, learn, and spend time with their children.

My daughter doesn’t stop asking when the next playgroup is! 

-Richard, young girl’s father

The activity group incorporated a mix of free-play time, a structured literacy themed activity, and a “Dads Talk” segment.This gave dads a chance to both connect with other fathers, and to spend one-on-one time focused on their child. For the “Dad’s Talk” segment, TFP’s John Badalament prompted the fathers to each respond to the scenario below (TFP’s Dad’s Vision Statement exercise):

  1. Imagine 20-25 years from now your child is interviewed for a documentary film about you. 
  2. What do you hope she says to the interviewer about you, about your relationship? 
  3. What do you hope he does NOT say about your relationship? 
  4. In light of these responses, describe one concrete thing you are doing today to move towards that vision for your relationship.

The responses were rich, emphasizing the men’s desire to be active/emotionally engaged fathers, to show up and be a presence, and to continue working to understand their children’s changing needs.

We were thrilled to have Dr. Harwood Egan, Unit Chief of Pediatrics at MGH Revere, attend. His presence and participation reinforced a central message of the overall initiative: that dads matter to both the health and well-being of their children and families, and to the providers at MGH Revere. Thank you to all of the doctors and staff at MGH Revere for their support.

The Saturday Dads-Kids group will meet every three weeks, with the next group meeting on April 18th. To learn more about TFP’s program at MGH Revere Pediatrics and others like it contact us at

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